Monday, December 15, 2008

Our Fifth Monday for Obama

Merciless is the judgment on the man who has not shown mercy; but mercy triumphs over judgment.

-- James 2:13

As an act of mercy, let us pray for those who show no mercy to children.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Our Fourth Monday for Obama

"... For nothing will be impossible for God." -- from today's Gospel reading.

Always a good thing to remember, but especially for us as we pray for Mr. Obama!

At least twice now I've overheard people saying they intend to pray for Michelle Obama so that Barack Obama will be converted. I've been pondering this, and here's what I've decided, for whatever it's worth: there is certainly nothing wrong with praying for Michelle Obama, as she is clearly in need some conversion herself, or even for both of them. But if our intention and desire is for Barack Obama to be converted, then why not simply ask for him to be converted? As far as the country is concerned, it's him that matters. The logic is that if she is converted, he will follow, but we all know plenty of examples where that does not occur. I'm thinking we should probably just ask the Lord for what we want and leave it up to Him as to how it gets accomplished.

Don't forget the almsgiving. Since this is the holiday season, there are plenty of opportunities. Drop a little cash in the Salvation Army bucket, send a check to a charity, or give some groceries to a community food pantry. Offer it with a prayer. Let's overcome evil with good!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Why Hispanics Should Care

These guys understand the racism/abortion link.  If you are a person of color, and there is an abortion facility in your neighborhood, ask yourself why.  (While you're pondering, ask yourself why there are so many more billboards advertising cigarettes and alcohol in your neighborhood, too.  There's a connection, and it has everything to do with the exploitation and encouragement of hopelessness, and not hope.)

Hispanics For Life

Atheists and Agnostics Care, Too

They don't believe in God but they still understand when innocent human life is being taken. (Hope they don't mind if we add them to our prayer lists -- I think they may actually be closer to Truth than Mr. Obama.)

Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League Homepage

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rosaries For Life

It's not just for Catholics!  If you don't have a rosary, use your ten fingers and join in the rosary novena going on right now for Obama.  It doesn't matter if you're late, either.  Just jump on in, and keep on going.  Sadly, I think we'll have plenty of time for plenty of rosaries for this man.

Rosaries For Life

Monday, December 1, 2008

Our Third Monday for Obama

From the first psalm of today's Morning Prayer (Monday of the first week of Advent):

It is you whom I invoke, O Lord.
In the morning you hear me;
in the morning I offer you my prayer,
watching and waiting.

Dear Heavenly Father, please hear our prayer for the conversion of Barack Obama. Lead him to love your name and to become a just man, so that you may bless him and surround him with favor as with a shield.