Monday, November 10, 2008

Obama and Infanticide

This is a video of a Planned Parenthood employee explaining to a client that a late-term abortion is actually forced labor which delivers a baby, who may be born alive but will be left to die. Included are clips of Mr. Obama explaining how offering such a child medical care just puts "an additional burden" on the woman attempting to get an abortion. This video has been removed from YouTube, by the way.

Please explain why, if you've already carried a baby this far and are prepared to go through labor, you can't just choose to give it up for adoption?

This is the single-biggest reason Obama needs our prayer. When I heard Michelle Obama talk about how carefully her husband drove her and their first child, newly-born, home from the hospital, it was hard to reconcile with this very cold, clinical explanation of why he did not support the Born Alive Protection Act.

Please understand that any care offered to such a child would only prolong its life, and that is something Planned Parenthood definitely does not want to do. The sooner such a child dies, the sooner everyone in the building can breathe easier. So the child must lie cold, wet, naked and alone, in obvious distress, on a hard surface until it dies on its own or someone puts it out of its misery. Then it becomes rubbish. What a hero we have elected as our President!

Let us please ask the Lord to bring this man around by any means necessary -- he desperately needs to see the light. - Planned Parenthood Admits Current Infanticide

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