Monday, November 10, 2008

Our First Monday

Today is Monday, November 10, 2008. Welcome to Mondays For Obama!

This is a long-distance marathon prayer team that meets on Mondays to pray for the conversion of our President-elect, Barack Obama. If we can't elect the president of our choice, we'll turn the one we've got into the one we want!

Who is invited?
Anyone who believes in the power of prayer. This blog is Christian in its orientation, but our Jewish and Muslim friends are warmly welcome to join us, as are any people who believe in the power of prayer and the importance of living a good and moral life.

What is our mission?
Specifically and as soon as we can, to change Mr. Obama's position on life issues, especially abortion. We believe that abortion is murder, and that Mr. Obama's thinking on this is very disordered. We've all heard how he withheld his support for legislation which would have mandated care and protection for a baby born alive during an attempted abortion. If he can't get that right, what else will he not get right? Mr. Obama has stated that the U.S. Constitution, which most Americans consider an almost sacred document, is "fundamentally flawed," and that the Founding Fathers who created this flawed document had a "fundamental blind spot." Makes you wonder how he will take his oath of office, doesn't it? (I'm talking about the part where he would be expected to protect and defend the Constitution.) Can we agree that there is a dangerous arrogance about a man who thinks he knows better than the Founding Fathers about what should go in the Constitution? We may agree that Mr. Obama is intelligent and well-educated, but a person can be smart and still lack wisdom.

What do we do?
We pray for him daily, but especially on Mondays, so that we can offer our prayers together for strength. Many of us come from a tradition that encourages fasting as a means to "supercharge" our prayers, so we will fast in any way we can -- by limiting our food and drink, by giving up things we enjoy but don't really need, such as our morning coffee, our trips to the snack machine, etc. We can add small sacrifices, such as getting up an hour or a half-hour early for prayer. Catholics can go to Mass, make a Holy Hour, or offer a rosary. We can do a lot, or do a little, but we'll all do something on Mondays for The Cause. Christians, particularly, let's say a prayer at 3 pm, the Hour of Mercy. And don't forget to spread the word! We want as many people on the team as we can get. Tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers, and the people who worship with you.

What about the blog?
This blog is primarily for encouragement. A lot of people are fired up after the Election Day defeat, but many are still depressed and frustrated. We've got to get up off the mat and get back in the fight! Remember: It isn't over until GOD SAYS ITS OVER, and in the meantime our job is to persevere in prayer and to overcome evil with good. There are plenty of examples of how one person can change the world, and if Barack Obama's gifts of eloquence and persuasion could be turned around for a holy purpose, he could bring the country, and perhaps much of the world, with him. We Christians remember the story of the great Apostle Paul, who was complicit to the murders of the early Christians. Despite his misguided zeal for persecution, he became the great evangelist to the Gentiles, and in doing so changed the world. Is it possible that while he held the coats of the men who murdered Stephen, our first martyr, Stephen's prayer for him effected his conversion?

Comments that offer encouragement or tips for prayer, fasting, or almsgiving are welcome. You may click "Comments" or send an email to Comments from frustrated schoolteachers who enjoy correcting grammar and spelling are not welcome.

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