Monday, January 19, 2009

Another Monday for Obama

Another Monday, another day of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving for the conversion of Barack Obama. Of course, this is the day before he is anointed Messiah and Savior of the United States of America, the day of celebration which has been named, ironically, "We Are One."

It certainly did not seem to me that We Are One this past Saturday, as I walked in our local March for Life. As we walked past the more notorious of our city's two abortion facilities, there were colorful balloons festooning the parking lot and a big banner reading "For Abortion Call 1-800-" whatever. For your killing convenience, there is a 1-800 number. Then there were the signs: "Pro-Faith, Pro-Family, Pro-Choice" (killing your children is pro-family?). "CHRISTIAN TALIBAN" (I think that was supposed to be us; we are like the people who execute women for learning to read and who use children as human shields). "CHRISTIAN BULLIES" (I think that was supposed to be us, too, although we processed silently while they had a team of three attractive and hip-looking young people standing on the corner jeering and taunting us as we passed). My personal favorite, though was "GOD IS PRO-CHOICE." Is that the same God who commanded us not to kill? Who told us to let the little children come unto Him, to welcome them in His name? Who told us that He set before us life and death, blessing and curse, and urged us to choose life? Are these people out of their minds? They are actually saying that they are doing God's will? This is surely insanity. The saddest part of all is these were --it's hard to even say it -- our brothers and sisters in Christ. They honestly believe they are performing a work of mercy through the killing of children. May God have mercy on their souls, for surely they know not what they are doing.

"Because you have rejected the command of the Lord, He, too, has rejected you as ruler."

-- words of Samuel, the priest, to Saul, the King of Israel
I Samuel 15:23

Please pray for Barack Obama.

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